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何首烏養髪湯 - Medicinal Formula for Healthy Hair

RM 19.00
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具有培補氣血功效,適用於氣血雙虧,治諸虛百損,頭目眩暈,面色萎黃,精神倦怠,四肢乏力等症. 配合 何首烏, 黑豆等 有養髮, 黑髮功能,  對頭髮乾燥乏亮, 萎靡, 脫髮, 髮腳分叉, 易斷 等有整體調理,  養顏防老的作用. 

每星期服一劑, 四碗清水, 慢火煮存一碗, 睡前服用.

This formula invigorates the Liver and the Kidney, strengthens hairs and muscles. Patient shows symptoms such as dizziness and weakness of the limbs. Taken regularly, it will help to darken and nourish hair, reducing hair splitting, halting hair lost, lower blood lipid level, relieve senility,  and help one remain youthful.

Serving : 1 person, consume weekly, consume before bedtime

Cooking Instructions:

1. Soak herbs in water then rinse well
2. Put herbs into the Pot or Slow cooker, pour 4 bowls of water
    slow boil for 1.5 to 2 hours.
3. Once the soup is shimmered down to one bowl, it's ready to consume

Storage : store in cool dry area, avoid direct sunlight

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