清補涼 (六味) 為民間常用的滋潤湯劑, 用于天氣炎熱, 多汗而致津液不足, 引起脾胃功能減退而食慾不振, 胃納欠佳, 面色暗淡, 口唇失潤 或 肺燥干咳, 皮膚抓癢等. 略加瘦肉可烹調成補湯, 亦可加冰糖, 雪耳, 燕窩等清燉, 成為一煲氣味芬芳, 清潤滋補的糖水/甜品.
Re-hydrate the body due to excessive activities (late night work, exercise etc.)
Improves appetite, digestion and improves skin complexion.
Meat and salt may be added to make an herbal, or alternatively add sugar, white fungus and bird nest, for a delicious dessert!